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Bombshell's Books

I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember and a romance junkie since the twelfth grade. These days I read M/M romance novels almost exclusively. I can't help it - I love boys who love other boys! If you don't believe in equality or that all love is beautiful, we probably won't have a lot to talk about. But, if you do, feel free to make a friend request, comment on a review, or recommend your favourite guilty pleasure. I'd love to hear from you!

Currently reading

Special Forces - Soldiers - Directors Cut
Marquesate, Aleksandr Voinov, Vashtan
Double Up
Vanessa North
Hard as You Can
Laura Kaye


Alaska - Kim Fielding Reading this short story was like getting kicked in the chest by a mule over and over and over again. It follows Marco and Scott through twenty years of friendship and heartache and had me crying uncontrollably almost the whole time. I'm not sure that I'd classify it as "heartwarming" (although we do get a sweet HEA at the end of the story), but it was well-written and absolutely chock-full of emotion.